Sunday 17 February 2013

Can a guy and a girl be friends?

Life: Girl and Guy friendships
So the question everyone always asks is can a girl and a guy be friends, I'm not here to answer that question for you all, I'm simply here to give you my opinion purely based on my experiences. It is your decision as to whether you choose to accept it or not.
Anyway here goes :)

If a girl and a guy want to be friends, there are certain rules or boundaries that they should each follow:

1. Don't constantly make physical contact with eachother. Once in a while a little arm holding or hugging is completly rational. BUT don't feel the need to touch his hair or hold her bum, hand or anything all the time. This is a big no no. Remember you're JUST friends.

2. When you text them; keep the flirting to a minimum. Unless you actually want to start a relationship with this person the please, please, please don't constantly flirt. The only time this is allowed is if you're both in the loop and you both know that you're just joking around. Or if you're both of your heads drunk.

3. Being led on is probably the worst feeling that someone can ever feel. And I know. If you lead your friend on, then you should have no right to call them your friend, because you may not see it at the time because you think it's a bit of fun but if they think you want to be serious then it is no fun at all for them. So unless you actually love this person DON'T GIVE THEM THE WRONG IDEA. Please.

If any of these rules are broken, it can cause a hell of a lot of confusion. One person will be led on, and someone will end up getting hurt. This will completely bleep up your friendship. Sooooo my advice; stick to these rules and you'll be fine!

I really do hope that these rules have helped anyone who is confused, or if you've just been able to relate to this that's just as great :)


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