Friday 11 January 2013

Life: School Cliques

School "Cliques"

I do not know if you guys have heard of the anonymous question asking site;, but a question that took a lot of thinking was recently asked to me: 'What is the worst thing about your school'.

Now, most of you are probably thinking that this is a very straight forward question-teachers, they can not be any worse. But this was not my answer, I decided to think this question through verrry well, until I finally came up with this:
'The fact that there's so many cliques and groups probably has to be the worst thing. When someone goes out of their group to talk to someone else, they are automatically "begging it". But its just stupid really cause we aren't in mean girls so people need to look and step into the real world and stop having their life being influenced by television and celebrities.'

I know that some of you may disagree with my opinion and think that cliques are the best things for schools, however I'm sorry- it's not!
When you're at school, you should feel comfortable with whoever you are put to sit next to in lessons, you should be able to say "hi" to everyone you walk past. 
Basically I don't want to go on for too long about this topic but what I am trying to say is that school should be like your second home, you should all feel like a big happy family, not an awkward movie.

The picture I posted above is of my friends and I on one of the best days ever, and I want to take you through it. (From left to right):

Emma: Two years ago, she was part of the group they call at school "The Emo's", today she is one of the happiest and joyful people I know
Sarah: Two years ago I never even spoke to her because we were so divided today she is the girl i can trust with my life
Amy: Back then she was part of the group they call "sluts", today she is my best girl
Kaisha: Two years ago she didnt like me, today we are best friends
Me: well... Haha
Kelly: Two years ago, i'm not going to lie I would never of thought she would be my favorite today

The moral of this is that,cliques can be wrong. People change and they should be given the chance to be able to change, and a clique just doesnt do that. 

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